Thursday, 20 November 2008

Proposal - Gates

Thought I'd post this up here to see what people think, rather than the individual blogs. Since the redefine presentation, the three of us have gone off in slightly different directions with regards to the final part of the project, 'Propose'. Rather than produce one scheme, we have each identified an area or idea that we would like to further develop; I am looking to produce a framework for the area between the train station and Briggate which we had previously identified as having great potential for providing a link to Briggate.

I am taking on the idea of
The Gates installation and Japanese Torii to create a new link to Briggate which is identified by a series of gates. These will clearly mark the route to Briggate as well as framing views and links to other parts of the city; it also has the potential to expand right across Leeds, with Briggate as it's focus.

The images below show the progression of the proposed framework from a site plan into a more abstract image along the lines of that I wish to eventually produce. I feel this is a different and potentially exciting method of portraying the idea, it is to be supported by subsequent, more detailed explorations.

Identifying the potential

Placing the Gates onto the OS Map

Isolating the Gates

A section through the active ground floor plane

Identifying the links

The new gates clearly form a distinctive route, they open up into new spaces created at the site of the Labour Exchange and at the current site of the Travelodge hotel. The arches are opened up as potential spaces for buildings but mostly to diffuse the railway structure's impact as a physical and psychological barrier between north and south. The gates will form an integral part of the landscape, they will be used not only as navigation beacons but as furniture, art, billboards and when grouped together, as structures and shelters. The final part of this scheme will be the inclusion of Ed and Rick's proposals. Besides the gates, it is felt that this area needs an injection of new life in order to re-vitalise this route onto Briggate. Currently, this is a street with no name (literally), the arches are used as nightclubs and bars, but with seemingly little activity. Entertainment provides a precedent for the function to be placed into this area, possibly it just needs to be re-assessed, or perhaps it needs a change of function completely?

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